Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our system is broken. Exxon gets the Supreme Court to forget that it is there job to interpret the law, that math is just as important.

It is a sad day here in Alaska.  We have learned that the Supreme Court has lost it's backbone. While the Supreme Court seemed to somewhat remember that they set the precedent for the country and ruled that Exxon was in fact guilty, they somehow decided it was okay to change the price. Why the pity for a company that makes that much money in a few months, when this has taken 22 years, a whole lot of families, and a complete change in the economy for the entire State? I can't tell. The judgement makes little sense. I've got to get to work, so I will report more later. Someone I know will be getting about $15 for this ruling. Would double or more than that be enough? Not likely. Surely for not having your world turned upside down, livelihood ruined, culture and way of life turned upside down. But is this a strong message that the Supreme Court is sending? Absolutely. 

It sends the message that our strongest branch of government in our country is broken. It went through all the hoops to vine its way around to slowly choke it's own people in the name of big business. It has broken itself with this ruling, a clear example that ALL of our government is broken. The values that this country was founded on, that checks and balances are important, have eroded into a sea of money and greed, money that those few don't actually need, while the rest of us are affected so much more because we are lower down on the economic totem pole.  I am disgusted. I hope you are, too.

More than ever, we need to elect a president who wants to represent the people, to ensure that rights are granted to actual people, not corporations with psuedo person status that have more rights than you and me according to the Court. We need to elect Obama. 

I've got to get to work. More soon. 

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