Friday, June 6, 2008

here are some segments of a note to the only Alaska Super Delegate still pledged to Clinton, also State party chair, and DNC delegation co-chair, Patti Higgins. It highlights some of my thoughts about the Clinton campaign and it's effects on the party as a whole.

"I'm writing you today to urge you to support Barack Obama with your Super Delegate Status as soon as possible.

I know that as an Obama supporter I am biased, but I assure you that I support him for a good reason! He has already changed politics and government as we know it! Already, it has become a movement of the people, not just those who can afford it. In my networks and travels, I have always urged people to at least get involved by getting out and to vote. In my short history of voting, reactions to my encouragement have become less and less desirable. I regularly encountered those, who were so tired of the way that Washington works had given up, become hopeless, slumped into apathy. This has affected us on so many levels! Things have gotten bad in our Nation, we all can attest.

Obama has changed my apathy into action. For myself and many others, he has engaged us in infectious hope, invigorating an entire nation with his grassroots efforts. The numbers of involvement and level of average donations for his campaign show this.

In Alaska, it is more apparent than ever. We have the chance to make history this election year, on all levels, as Democrats. So many republicans and independents that I speak to are ready to cross party lines to vote for Obama as president. We have the chance to use this tide of involvement to help our Party on more levels than ever before. Strategically speaking, I think that it is of upmost importance that we show we are united as soon as possible for our presidential candidate.

I hope that you realize your extreme importance in this epic political time, how integral you are as not only a Party leader, but as a Super Delegate in unifying our State and it's people. People all over the country are paying attention to you and your stance.

If Clinton decides to "suspend" her campaign, I fear that people will think that part of our Party is stuck in a 'business as usual' mode, using the political machine to find a weird way around what the people so integral to our society have decided. We don't need that! The time for political opt-outs without acknowledging the obvious or the responsibility of doing so should be over! Alaska, especially, has had enough of this type of politics.

I urge you to lead us towards inclusive politics, one that listens to and is composed of, the people. Please support Barack Obama for President today.

Alaskans, please contact her today! Her email is posted on and you can also send it to the general mail,

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