Friday, September 26, 2008

from a town that Reagan had a missile station put

Too bad McCain voted to disengage our missile defense system

And this from a state that his veep says is vital b/c we can see Russia

more live

alaskans like us know all to well how long offshore drilling takes to get going we know that his claims are mere droppings of palin's favorite food

live blogging from the bar

did he just say that north Koreans are a scary evil giant race??

Call me a terrorist but I think it's a good idea to talk with everyone

Just so y'all know, there are plenty of conservatives here pah pahing the same things as I

live from homer debates

it seems that john forgets that his veep actually WAS miss congeniality...

How is it that sen McCain doesn't beleive in govt transparancy? Oh, that's right he is a bush drone!

I think that his temper is getting the best of him hence the stutter

Wednesday, September 3, 2008